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iPhone Chronicle Tutorials

For iPhone/iOS users

Install Chronicle app for iPhone

Please watch the video or scroll down for written steps for installing the app.

Notes when using the app and especially during the weeks when you have bursts of surveys from us:

  • Do NOT close the app during the week of your brief EMA surveys. (Keep the app running in the background)
    • The research team will contact you when it is time to uninstall the app. This will be at the very end of the entire study (so after about 4 months or so).
  • Keep your device charged. Please try to NOT allow the device to power off or run out of battery.
  • Do NOT use a battery saver app or battery saver mode, as this interferes with accurate tracking.
  • If your phone powers off or you shut down or restart your phone, please reopen the app and leave it running in the background.
  • If you have an iPhone 14 or up, please keep the “always on” screen feature turned off.
  • Regularly check your email for messages from the research team that contain the next steps.
  • After you have setup the app completely, please email us to let us know you are done. Thanks!

Note: Chronicle is a sensing application for behavioral research studies. This application queries but does NOT collect “step counts” from the iOS HealthKit. It does this as a workaround to known Apple/iOS SensorKit limitations so that the Chronicle app will function normally.

Step 1: Tap the link below while you're on your phone

This should take you directly to the Chronicle app in the App Store.

If the link does not work, please go to the App Store on your phone and search for "Chronicle Methodic."

Chronicle app logo

Download now

Step 2: Install the Chronicle app

Step 3: Open the app

Step 4: When opened, the app will ask for your Study ID and Participant ID.

Go to your email on your phone and click/tap on the enrollment link sent to you by the study team to automatically fill in these fields.

Chronicle app install on iPhone

Chronicle app install on iPhone

Step 5: If successfully enrolled, the app will show these two screens:

Chronicle app install on iPhone Chronicle app install on iPhone

Step 6: The app now needs some items to be authorized to work properly in the background.

First, click the "Authorize" button for "Sensor Authorization."

Chronicle iPhone step 6

On the page that reads "Research Sensor & Usage Data Request," click "Review Request."

Chronicle iPhone step 6a

Scroll to the bottom of the screen that reads “Device Usage,” and then click “Allow Collection & Sharing.”

Chronicle app install on iPhone iphone chronicle step 6d

Scroll to the bottom of the screen that reads “Message Usage,” and then click “Allow Collection & Sharing.”

Chronicle app install on iPhone Chronicle iPhone step 6c

Finally, when presented with the following screen, click “Done.”

Chronicle iPhone step 6f

Step 7: Back on the Chronicle app home screen, click "Authorize" under "HealthKit Authorization."

This authorization is necessary for the app to function normally, although the app will NOT actually collect any “steps” data from your device.

Chronicle iPhone step 7

Step 8: Toggle both "Steps" sliders to on/green.

This setting simply allows for the app to run in the background without being disrupted. The app will NOT collect any “steps” data from your device.

Chronicle iPhone step 8

Then click "Allow."

Chronicle iPhone step 8a

Step 9: After clicking “Allow,” you will be redirected back to the Chronicle app main page. All “Authorize” options should have disappeared from this main screen now, and your Study ID, Participant ID, and Last Upload should show.

Chronicle app install on iPhone

DO YOU HAVE AN iPHONE 14 OR ABOVE? If yes, then one more step...

Step 10: Please TURN OFF the “always on” screen feature in your device settings.

Having the “always on” screen feature turned on can interfere with the accurate measurement of your device use. To turn this off, follow the steps below:

Tap "Settings" on your device

Chronicle app install on iPhone

Tap "Display & Brightness"

Chronicle iPhone step 10

Tap the toggle switch to turn "Always On" OFF. When it is off, the "Always On" toggle will no longer be green.

Chronicle iPhone step 10b

Step 11: Success!! Email the research team at [email protected] to let them know you have installed the app.

The research team will then confirm the app is working on your phone.

REMEMBER: DO NOT CLOSE THE CHRONICLE APP during the weeks when you have surveys from us. Keep the Chronicle app running in the background of your device!

This is important so that the app can measure your phone usage. If you close the app accidentally, don’t worry! Just please open the app again, and then you can use your phone as normal.

Uninstall the Chronicle app for iPhone


We will email you when your participation is complete (at the end of the study, so about 4 months or so) and it is time to uninstall the app. However, if you wish to no longer participate in the study and no longer want your phone use to be tracked then you can also uninstall the app at any time.

You can uninstall the app as you would normally uninstall any app you have ever downloaded on your phone.


Step 1: Tap and hold the app on your home screen or in your app library on your phone


Step 2: Tap "Delete"


Step 3: Email the research team and let them know you uninstalled the app. The research team will confirm that the tracking of your phone use has stopped.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at [email protected] or call 260-266-7739.