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High School Student Programs

Parkview experiences and learning opportunities for high school students

Parkview offers many opportunities for high school students to explore their interests in healthcare-related fields. With job shadows, apprenticeships, clinicals, observations and more, students can find the program that fits best with their goals and dreams. Diving into different clinical or non-clinical roles before starting college is a great way to kickstart any career or discover which fields could be a good fit.

Student Nurse Program

Our Student Nurse Program offers options for beginning nursing students as well as those who are nearing graduation and ready to transition into the nursing field. 

Learn more

For questions or further assistance, please contact the Student Services team at

Requests may be submitted by a school or the student. Requests are reviewed and placed according to the timeline provided in the link. Placements are prioritized for Parkview co-workers who are students at regional partner schools; students at regional partner schools; Parkview co-workers who are student at non-regional schools; and then any other students at non-regional schools. Parkview Health must hold an affiliation agreement with the school in order to host students for a learning opportunity.