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Cancer T-Shirt Design

Design application

Parkview Packnett Family Cancer Institute is looking for artwork for the next Parkview Packnett Family Cancer Institute T-shirt. If you are interested in submitting a design for consideration, please read the information and requirements below.


An annual Parkview Packnett Family Cancer Institute T-shirt has been designed and sold since 2017. All proceeds from sales of the shirt go to the Parkview Foundation to support the Transformative Cancer Care Fund. This fund has been established to assist patients with care not traditionally covered by health insurance.

Artist requirements

Artists must be a former or current patient of Parkview Packnett Family Cancer Institute.

Artists may submit only one design for consideration per year.

The artists must provide and be willing to allow Parkview to use the story behind the T-shirt design for promotion of T-shirt sales both within and outside of Parkview facilities, on social media, video and/or other promotional avenues, potentially including a limited number of live events. 

Once selected, the artist must sign a release allowing the use of the design as well as the patient story behind the design.

Design requirements

Artwork must be hand drawn and original.

Due to printing capabilities, designs are limited to 8 colors.

The year, 2025, must be visible somewhere in the design.

The design can be submitted in concept form. The general message and/or design should be fully developed, but tweaks to the design can be made after selection. 

Details provided with the design submission should include:

  • Why the artist chose the theme 
  • What inspired them to create the design
  • What the design or theme means to them
    • This may include the artist’s own personal cancer journey. There are no requirements on the amount of health information provided. This is at the discretion of the artist.

Other details

While the artist will be included in key phases of and conversations surrounding the shirt project, Parkview reserves the right to modify the design as needed to increase legibility, fit the printing area, enhance aesthetic appeal and/or optimize printing quality. 

Once selected, the design becomes the property of Parkview with no royalty or other payment to the artist.


Applications and artwork submissions are accepted now through Tuesday, December 31, 2025.

Designs and application can be returned via the electronic form linked below, an email to [email protected] or delivered to the concierge desk at Parkview Packnett Family Cancer Institute.

Submit Design Online