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Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps people achieve independence by enabling their participation in daily activities. Our occupational therapists serve people of all ages who – because of illness, injury, developmental delays or psychological challenges – need assistance learning skills to help them lead independent, productive and satisfying lives. The occupational therapy team at Parkview provides patients with many activities to help increase independent function.

Occupational therapy can include:

  • Assistance and training in performing daily activities. Depending on your needs, these could be:
    • Personal care activities, such as dressing and eating.
    • Home skills, like housekeeping, gardening and cooking.
    • Personal management skills, such as balancing a checkbook and keeping a schedule.
    • Skills important in driving a car or other motor vehicle. This could involve vision, thinking and judgment skills needed for driving, or finding out whether special adaptations such as hand brakes are needed.
  • Physical exercises to improve posture, joint motion and overall strength and flexibility.
  • Instruction in protecting your joints and conserving your energy.
  • Evaluation of your daily living needs and assessment of your home and work environments. Your occupational therapist may recommend changes in those environments that may help you continue your activities.
  • Assessment and training in the use of assistive devices. Examples are special key-holders for people who have stiff hands, computer-aided adaptive equipment and wheelchairs.
  • Fitting splints or braces.
  • Guidance for family members and caregivers. 

Conditions treated in occupational therapy

Examples of the many different conditions and situations in which occupational therapy can help are:

  • Mental and physical impairments a person has had since birth.
  • Recovery and return to work after a work-related injury.
  • Sudden serious health conditions such as a stroke, heart attack, brain injury or amputation.
  • Chronic (ongoing) conditions, such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Learning disabilities or developmental disabilities.
  • Mental health or behavioral issues such as Alzheimer's disease, post-traumatic stress, substance use disorder and eating disorders.