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Personality Disorders

Your personality is your own set of traits that make up who you are and how you see the world. We all have certain traits that shape how we handle stress, adjust to new situations, and engage in relationships. But people with personality disorders have traits that make their lives difficult. They do not adjust to changes well and usually have trouble getting along with other people.

There are several types of personality disorders. You might be afraid of other people and prefer being alone. You could fear that people are against you. You might think poorly of yourself and be depressed. You might be very angry, even violent, and have little concern for laws. You could see the world as clearly divided into "good" and "bad" and think people who are not like you are bad. Any of these traits can become a big problem for you and the people around you.

Long-term therapy and medicine may help many people with personality disorders. Your doctor can set up a treatment plan to help you learn behavior control and new ways to cope with people and events around you.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Park Center is proud to offer the only outpatient Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) program recognized in Northern Indiana. Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an intensive program designed to treat adolescents and adults who have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, or for whom DBT is indicated. People who seek DBT services may frequently suffer from thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts, self-injurious behavior, emotional dysregulation, and impulsivity. At DBT, patients receive a combination of one-on-one therapy and attend a weekly educational group.

There is hope for recovery. Many people have reported symptom improvement after completing Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

New patients may call 260-481-2700 to schedule an intake session. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete the check-in process.  Your first appointment will take 60-90 minutes and will include an evaluation and a discussion about treatment options. For more information, or to determine if DBT is right for you, contact manager Margie Burns at 260-482-9125 ext. 2308.