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Why National Check Your Meds Day matters

Last Modified: October 21, 2024

Family Medicine, Safety & Prevention


This post was written by Priya Hotwani, MD, PPG - Internal Medicine, Parkview Residency Center.

You know what’s scary? Medication mistakes send 1.3 million people to the Emergency Room every year. Yikes, right? That’s why medication safety is so important. Whether it’s avoiding a bad reaction, stopping an unnecessary pill or catching something you’re taking the wrong way (hey, it happens!), checking your meds regularly is key to staying healthy.

Remember, just because your meds were perfect six months ago doesn’t mean they’re still doing the best job for you today. Health changes, and so should your meds!

How often should I check my medications?

Think of medication reviews like spring cleaning (minus the dust bunnies) at least once a year, but ideally, more often if you’re taking new meds or noticing any funky side effects.

  • Prescriptions: Keep your doctor in the loop on how they’re working.

  • Over-the-counter medications: Yep, those headache pills count, too! They can interact with your prescriptions.

  • Supplements: Think twice before popping those vitamin C or herbal pills. Some vitamins might clash with your prescriptions.

Who needs a med check?

Everyone benefits from regular medication reviews, but especially:

  • If you’re over 65 and juggling multiple medications.

  • Those with a chronic illness like heart disease or diabetes need to check in with their care team regarding their meds.

  • Even if you’re just taking the occasional allergy pill or vitamin, reviewing everything you’re putting into your body is still smart. Better safe than sorry, right?

Where can I have a comprehensive medication review?

The good news is that there are plenty of resources for medication reviews, including:

  • Your pharmacist: They know their stuff! Pharmacists are medication pros and can help with interactions and dosages.

  • Primary Care provider: They’ve got the big picture on your health and can tweak your meds for maximum benefit.

  • Specialists: Got a specialist? They can give targeted advice on specific meds for your condition.

  • Medication Therapy Management services: Many insurance plans offer Medication Therapy Management (MTM), a one-on-one session with a pharmacist to review your meds.

How can I prepare for a Med review?

Don’t show up to your med check unprepared. Use this checklist:

  • Make a master list of every medication, supplement and vitamin you’re taking. No, seriously—everything.

  • Jot down the doses and how often you take them.

  • Note any weird side effects or issues. Did those headaches start when you began that new medicine?

  • Bring any questions you have—don’t be shy!

Easy ways to practice medication safety at home

Because we all love extra credit, here are a few simple things you can do to keep your meds on track:

  1. Keep an updated medication list: This will save you headaches at every doctor’s visit!

  2. Use a pill organizer: It keeps you from mixing up meds or missing doses.

  3. Store them right: Cool, dry places are best. And please, out of reach of kids or pets!

  4. Read the labels: Know how and when to take your meds, and don’t ignore those side effect warnings.

  5. Dispose of old meds: Got leftovers? Don’t just leave them hanging around—take them to a pharmacy for safe disposal.

Final thoughts

Medications can do wonders, but only when they’re working with you—not against you!  National Check Your Meds Day is the perfect time to hit pause, ensure your medicationss are still right, and practice some medication safety.

Remember, taking charge of your health doesn’t have to be overwhelming—it can be as simple as making sure your meds are doing what they’re supposed to. So, grab that list, book a review and let’s keep you feeling your best.

Include a resident physician as part of your internal medicine care team

The Parkview Residency Center offers the unique opportunity to have a resident physician as part of your care team. Patients with a resident physician as part of their care team have access to:

  • An individualized care plan with oversight by two highly qualified physicians.

  • The latest health information, practices and treatments.

  • Focused attention to help you achieve your health goals, such as understanding your personal test results.

For more information, visit