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Practicing mindful moments in your everyday life

Last Modified: March 30, 2023

Healthy Mind

mindful moments

Dealing with and navigating the pressures of daily life can be difficult. But practicing a little mindfulness can go a long way in helping you get in tune with your body while managing your overall anxiety and stress. In this post, we’ll discuss mindfulness, why it’s important and the different strategies you can utilize to find the calm in your day.

Being mindful sounds simple enough, right? Slowing down and paying attention to the little details seems easy in theory, but when the elements of a busy day get thrown into the mix, it can be challenging to be mindful, present and connected with our bodies. For this reason, discovering new ways to check in with ourselves is crucial, especially when we feel like the wheels are turning nonstop. Neglecting to check in with ourselves can lead to mental and physical exhaustion and burnout.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present. It’s making an effort to be aware of where we are and what we’re doing while not getting overwhelmed by what’s happening around us. The overarching goal is to wake up to the inner workings of our mental, emotional and physical processes. Doing so can help you learn to calm your mind and body and cope with illness, pain or stress.

There are three components of mindfulness:

Pay attention: When being mindful, you should pay close attention to one item. For example, try sitting quietly and noting your emotions or how different parts of your body feel. Are you feeling anxious? Do you notice any aches, pains or stiffness? Once you narrow your focus, you can take the proper steps to remedy the situation and be more in sync with your mind and body.

Be present: When present in a given moment, you can focus on what’s happening right now, letting go of the past and future. You miss important life lessons that can heal and strengthen you when you dwell on either.

Be accepting: When accepting, you do not judge the present. Instead, you acknowledge and welcome your thoughts and feelings as they come. Practicing this exercise can help improve your emotional regulation and balance.

How can you practice mindfulness during a hectic day?

Here are a few strategies to help you re-center and find peace amid the chaos.

  • Ask the right question – It could be as simple as taking a beat to ask yourself, “How am I feeling?” Posing this question in the middle of a hectic day can help you reset and feel more grounded.
  • Embrace the here and now – While eating your lunch or snack, let your mind focus on what’s in front of you, in your hand or on your plate. What does the meal look like? What does the food taste like? Is it warm or cold? Enjoy and be grateful.
  • Connect with nature – Go outside and take a few deep breaths. What is the air like? What do you hear? Take the time to appreciate your surroundings.
  • Be with yourself – If possible, set a timer for two minutes to sit and think at the start of your day. Register the feelings that arise as you reflect on your morning or plans for the day.
  • Focus on numbers – While heading to refill your water or use the restroom, try counting your steps or focus on your breathing. Find a rhythm as you inhale and exhale.
  • Build in a buffer – As the day allows, try stopping for one minute each hour to note how your body feels. This will enable you to regroup and settle your mind before returning to your task.

Final thoughts

Busy days and the everyday hustle may not always allow us to meditate for 30 minutes or attend a yoga session, but we can still steal small moments for ourselves to practice a little self-care and the art of mindfulness.

Helpful resources

For more on practicing mindfulness, take a look at these posts on the Parkview Dashboard blog:

A conversation about the mind-body connection

Bringing mindfulness into your home

What animals teach us about mindfulness

Words that matter in my practice of mindfulness

Being mindful of your breath

Mindfulness and parenting

Mindfulness and technology

Mindfulness and money

Mindfulness and sleep

Calm is just around the corner

The health benefits of journaling

The power of walking meditation

A conversation about prayer and meditation

Stress, resilience, and tools for coping







Copyrighted material adapted with permission from Healthwise, Incorporated. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.