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Trauma Care

Adult and pediatric trauma centers

Verified trauma centers logo

When multiple, significant injuries occur, it’s important to have quick access to a verified trauma center for treatment that offers the best possible chances for survival and recovery. Verification means that Parkview’s trauma centers meet or exceed national standards for the procedures used in treating traumatic injuries.

In 2000, the Parkview Trauma Center was initially verified by the American College of Surgeons, followed by the addition and verification of the Parkview Pediatric Trauma Center in 2003. Parkview achieved reverification for both these trauma centers in 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022.

Our goal is always to provide the best trauma care to each adult and pediatric trauma patient. For verified trauma centers such as ours, four areas of activity are essential to achieving that goal: quality, registry, research and outreach/education. 

Trauma programs and services

Parkview Trauma Centers focus on educating the public on life-saving tips and resources based on research and data, with the goal of preventing traumatic injuries or death from motor vehicle crashes, falls, drowning, and more. We believe that knowledge is the first step toward a safer community.

Educate yourself and others with these resources.

What happens when a traumatic injury occurs?

When a life-threatening injury occurs, the next 60 minutes are the most critical. Known as the “golden hour,” this is the time when expert trauma care can increase a patient’s chance of survival by as much as 50 percent. This is the time when teamwork is vital.

Parkview partners with local emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics, who provide initial medical care and determine the severity of injuries. Individuals with life-threatening injuries are then transferred to the trauma centers by ambulance, one of the Parkview Samaritan helicopters or the Parkview Samaritan Mobile ICU.

The physicians and staff of Parkview Trauma Centers stand ready to help around the clock, 365 days a year.

Within minutes of being notified that a patient is being transported to the hospital, Parkview’s trauma team rushes to the emergency room. With communication from personnel at the scene, Parkview’s team of physicians, surgeons, nurses and other professionals develops a treatment plan and prepares all necessary equipment. Members of the team know their roles and are ready for action. To provide the very best trauma care, this systematic approach is followed each time, for each child and adult treated at the Parkview Trauma Centers.

Since 1992, Parkview has maintained a database of trauma cases that is useful for reviewing patient care practices, anticipating trends, developing trauma prevention programs and providing training for physicians, emergency medical personnel and hospital nursing and other staff.

Meet Our Team

photo of William Beck, MD

William Beck, MD

photo of Raymond Cava, MD

Raymond Cava, MD

photo of Janette Holub, MD

Janette Holub, MD

photo of Kristin Hummel, DO

Kristin Hummel, DO

photo of Joseph Muller, MD

Joseph Muller, MD

photo of Chinelo Ogbudinkpa, MD

Chinelo Ogbudinkpa, MD

photo of Dustin Petersen, MD

Dustin Petersen, MD

photo of Lindsay Riegle, MD

Lindsay Riegle, MD

photo of Steven Santanello, DO

Steven Santanello, DO

photo of Lashonda Williams, MD

Lashonda Williams, MD

photo of Beth Burns, NP

Beth Burns, NP

photo of Megan Colson, NP

Megan Colson, NP

photo of Elizabeth Daseler, NP

Elizabeth Daseler, NP

photo of Kathryn Diekhoff, NP

Kathryn Diekhoff, NP

photo of Christopher Fegley, PA

Christopher Fegley, PA

photo of Taylor Hill, NP

Taylor Hill, NP

photo of Julianne Hunter, NP

Julianne Hunter, NP

photo of Ashley Jackson, NP

Ashley Jackson, NP

photo of Danielle Kammer, NP

Danielle Kammer, NP

photo of Amanda Macias, NP

Amanda Macias, NP

photo of Amy Pond, PA

Amy Pond, PA

photo of Grant Tyler, NP

Grant Tyler, NP

photo of E Nicole Underwood, NP

E Nicole Underwood, NP

photo of Samantha Vergara, NP

Samantha Vergara, NP

photo of Brandy Young, NP

Brandy Young, NP