When your toes are squeezed together, often over a period of months or even years, the nerve that runs between the toes can swell and get thicker. This is called a Morton's neuroma. It may feel like a small lump is pushing inside the ball of your foot. When you walk or move your toes, you feel pain that sometimes moves into your toes. If the pressure continues, it may damage the nerve.
If you catch the problem early and change your shoes, the nerve swelling may go away. Your doctor may advise you to wear wide-toed shoes. Your doctor also may suggest that you ice the sore spot and limit activities that put pressure on the nerve.
If these steps don't help your symptoms, your doctor may have you use special pads or devices that spread the toes. This keeps them from squeezing the nerve. In some cases, you may get a cortisone shot to reduce swelling and pain. If these treatments don't help, your doctor may suggest surgery to relieve pressure or remove the swollen nerve.