Collaborative care management for fall prevention
Falling is the number one cause of trauma-related injuries for people ages 65 and older. Falls can be debilitating and costly. Parkview’s Fall Prevention Clinic can help you or someone you love reduce the risk of falling. The Fall Prevention Clinic offers:
- Collaborative care management. A multidisciplinary team will complete an assessment to develop an individualized treatment plan for you. This team includes professionals with expertise in neurology, physical therapy, occupational therapy and pharmacy.
- Convenience. You will be assessed by multiple team members in one visit.
The results of your assessment will be discussed with you and your family members. You will go home with a written personalized care plan. All information from your appointment will be shared with your primary care provider for follow-up care.
A physician referral is needed for you or a loved one to be assessed at the Parkview Fall Prevention Clinic. Ask your provider if a visit to Parkview’s Fall Prevention Clinic is appropriate for you.
Fall prevention topics to be discussed at your visit may include:
- Your personal health and fall history.
- Medication side effects that can contribute to falling.
- Avoiding home hazards like loose rugs and poor lighting.
- Staying active to stay strong.
- Choosing proper footwear.
- Using assistive devices when appropriate.
- Vision and hearing health to reduce dizziness that can increase your risk of falling.
- Neurological or medical diagnosis which may contribute to an increased fall risk and targeted management recommendations.