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What to do if you choke while you’re alone

Last Modified: March 03, 2022

Safety & Prevention

It’s a frightening scenario: You’re alone, eating and suddenly find yourself with an obstructed airway. Knowing what to do next is key to survival. Denise Kelley, CPR coordinator, Parkview Health, walks us through the steps for performing the Heimlich maneuver on yourself if you are in distress.

Conscious choking means that you cannot cough, speak, cry or breathe. If you are experiencing these symptoms:

1)First, dial 9-1-1. Even if you can’t speak, they can likely trace the call and send help in case you lose consciousness.

2)Find something to thrust your abdomen over to dislodge object, such as the back of a chair or countertop.

3)Keep thrusting until the object dislodges.

4)Pick up the phone and talk to the 9-1-1 dispatcher.

If you are pregnant and choking, make a fish with your hands, place them above your baby bump and thrust until the object dislodges.


You can avoid conscious choking by:

  • Cutting food into small pieces
  • Eating slowly and chewing your food properly
  • Eating upright



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