Brian LaMar, MD, Parkview Weight Management, discusses considerations for whether or not a patient transitions off of weight loss medication to maintain their progress.
One of the main concerns that we hear from patients taking medication for weight loss is, what will happen when they discontinue the medicine? They worry that the weight will come back or that they will have to continue taking the medication long-term.
The truth is, it really depends on the individual, how they're progressing and what the care team believes is best as the patient continues their journey.
There are certain situations when patients may need to continue medication long-term for maintenance. If you look at other disease states like high blood pressure or diabetes, there are a lot of scenarios where patients require ongoing medication use. Obesity is a disease and no different in this regard.
There are also cases where we don't need to continue with medication, and that’s our goal. We want to use medications correctly, as one of many tools, and help facilitate change toward healthier lifestyle habits and continued wellness success.
To learn more about medical weight loss with Parkview Weight Management, explore our informational seminar or contact us at 260-425-6390.