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Treating and understanding aphasia

Last Modified: June 13, 2017

Diseases & Disorders


June is Aphasia Awareness Month. Meaghan Wolfe, Outpatient Speech/Language Pathologist, Parkview Outpatient Therapy, explains this speech-related condition, including what causes it, how it’s treated and how it can be prevented.

Defining aphasia.
The Parkview Speech Pathology (also called Speech Therapy) team offers therapy services in many areas.  One of these areas is cognitive-linguistics, which is defined as the inter-relationship between language and cognitive function.  Commonly, when someone suffers an injury to the brain, there’s a disruption in the way language is processed. This is called aphasia (uh-FA-zuh). Common causes of aphasia include stroke, traumatic brain injury, and tumor, to name a few. 

What to look for.
Symptoms of aphasia present in all aspects of communication, including trouble remembering words or understanding what people are saying.  Aphasia symptoms can also interfere with a person’s ability to read and write.  All of these areas are considered methods of communication and can become difficult to a mild or severe degree, depending on the type and severity of the injury.  A speech therapist can evaluate and treat these communication difficulties, making an individualized therapy plan based on the patient’s particular areas of struggle. 

To decrease your risk for aphasia, follow your doctor’s recommendations for healthy living related to diet, exercise, prescription medicine use and mental stimulation.


Parkview offers Speech Therapy services at Parkview Regional Medical Center, Parkview Hospital Randallia, Parkview Whitley Hospital, Parkview Huntington Hospital, Parkview Noble Hospital, and Parkview Wabash Hospital.