Katie Fulk, RDN, LD, youth and family well-being dietitian, Parkview Health, encourages families and those sharing a living space to spend some quality time at the table.
“Aim to enjoy most meals together, device free, as family or household unit,” she said. “Research shows that together meals increase bonding and communication and help young people do better in school and pursue less risk-taking behaviors.”
Those who share meals also tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and practice mindful eating, consuming food until they are comfortably full but not overly stuffed.
See a full discussion on mindfulness-based eating here.
As families tend to get busy, it’s important to use meal planning and creative thinking to make shared meals happen. The benefits of together meals aren’t limited to dinner–they can be gleaned from a shared snack, breakfast or sweet treat. As long as it’s a positive experience.
Use a slow cooker and meal prep to ensure you can throw together a quick family meal in a pinch. These posts have helpful tips for both:
Healthy dinners, cooked low and slow
Five kitchen tools that are worth the investment
Simple dinners for busy weeknights
Are you using this secret weapon in the kitchen?
Meal planning: Where to start and what to make
How to go further with your food
Make together meals a priority, because the benefits go far beyond just nutrition.