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Nourishing Knowledge: Eggs

Last Modified: May 28, 2024

Nutrition & Recipes


Eggs have long been the poster child for dietary cholesterol, villainized as a no-no for those with heart disease. But, as Thomas Arend, RD, registered dietitian, Parkview Regional Medical Center, explained, the research is changing the narrative.

Historically, eggs, which are high in dietary cholesterol, have been thought to contribute to higher blood cholesterol. Most people know that high blood cholesterol is linked to heart disease, which can be life-threatening.

But the case against this breakfast staple is shifting. Extensive research demonstrates that the cholesterol we eat doesn’t impact blood cholesterol for most people. And for those who see a difference, science suggests that their LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) rise, canceling any negative effects.

Read more about a lipid profile to understand your cholesterol levels.

The evidence is so strong that, in 2015, the upper limit for cholesterol was removed from the dietary guidelines for Americans. It had been 300mg, which would be surpassed after consuming just two eggs.

The truth is, eggs are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals, and are a great option for everyone, including older and younger patients who might have trouble chewing.

So, if you’re looking for a healthy option for breakfast, lunch or dinner, crack open an egg! The preparations are endless.

More on cholesterol

If you want to read more about cholesterol and how to manage your numbers, check out these posts from the Parkview Dashboard:

Daily strategies for improving cholesterol

Understanding cholesterol (Pt 1)

Understanding cholesterol (Pt 2)

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