A busy holiday weekend, with visiting relatives, friendly cookouts and trips to the lake, means a noticeable increase in traffic. Among the crowd of travelers, a good number of motorcyclists will be out and about. Generally, motorcycles can be hard to see and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclist deaths occurred 27 times more frequently than fatalities in other vehicles. It's important for other drivers to be cautious and remember to Share the Road. For motorcycle drivers, it's essential to stay visible and take necessary precautions while on the road this summer. Parkview Trauma Centers shares the following preventive tips to stay safe while you’re riding.
Motorcyclists should:
- Be visible. Wear a bright-colored helmet, jacket or clothing.
- Shine bright. Make sure your headlights and brake lights are in working order.
- Be a rule follower. Obey traffic laws and never ride impaired.
- Eyes open. Be aware that other vehicles have blind spots.
- Safety gear. Wear a helmet, eye protection and thick, protective leather clothing.
- Be aware. Give motorists time and space to respond to your presence.
- Be alert!
Other motorists should:
- Understand the vulnerability of a motorcyclist. The most common cause of motorcyclist deaths is drivers not seeing them.
- Be extra cautious in intersections. A vehicle turning left in front of a motorcycle is a dangerous situation.
- Be aware and do not be distracted by phones.