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Kristen finds her advocates

Last Modified: June 06, 2023

Women & Children

With her first child, Violet, delivery day did not go as planned for Kristen Powell. “We had a birth plan, but didn’t do a lot of prior education,” she said. While the mother-to-be anticipated discomfort throughout the process, she was opting for symptom management, as many women do. Throughout the laboring process, a series of unfortunate circumstances led to confusion and a lack of alignment between the couple and their care team. “It was traumatizing. The epidural was unplugged, and no one knew, so I had extreme pain for several hours of the 22-hour labor. They were talking about me needing a C-section, which caused a lot of anxiety. I just didn’t feel like anybody was advocating for me or listening to us.”

In the end, Kristen and her husband, Chris, welcomed a beautiful, healthy little girl, but it was not the birth experience either one of them had planned or hoped for. “It’s difficult seeing your wife in pain,” Chris said. “It just felt chaotic. We’re not medical professionals, and when you don’t know what’s going on, it can wreck your emotions.”

Change of birth plan

When the Powells found out they were expecting a second child, it brought a mix of feelings. “I was excited, but terrified,” Kristen confessed. “I just wanted someone nice who would listen to me.” That’s when a friend recommended Parkview, and the Certified Nurse Midwives at Parkview Hospital Randallia.

Kristen started seeing the nurse midwives, including Paige Tiernon, CNM, PPG – Nurse Midwife. “We are fortunate to have great resources at Randallia,” Paige said. “We were able to spend some time in Kristen’s appointments talking through her first experience and give her space to share concerns and anxieties. Our midwifery model of care includes a schedule that gives extra time with patients, whether that’s during prenatal care, labor and delivery, or the postpartum period. This helps us cultivate really strong and personal relationships with patients.”

For Chris, this new team eased concerns tied to uncertainty. “I felt like we had a gameplan and a step-by-step guide to get to the next point every step of the way,” he said. “And that made a huge difference.”

Welcoming baby Quincy!

“An awesome point about Randallia, is that you labor in one room and stay there for delivery and postpartum,” Kristen said. “I had the same nurses throughout the process and they kept me positive the whole time. They wanted to keep Quincy healthy and happy. Chris got to pull him out and be involved in the process, which was just so special.

“The team at Randallia–the patient care tech, nurse and midwife, Paige in particular–gave me the experience I didn’t have with Violet. They were advocating for me.”

birth story

For Paige, it’s confirmation of a job well done. “Our goal is always a safe, empowering birth experience, so hearing she had that means a lot to me.”  

Months later, the Powells are doing great as a busy family of four. The couple credits the team at Parkview Randallia for their positive pregnancy journey and entirely joyous arrival of sweet Quincy, now six months.

If you’re expecting or hoping to conceive, you can learn more about our Obstetrics and Maternity offerings by visiting