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How to use your doctor as a teacher and coach

Last Modified: January 18, 2024

Family Medicine


Some patients just want their doctors to tell them what to do. They don't want to know the whys and the hows. Some of the time, that's fine. But if you want to get care that best meets your needs, consider shifting your mindset from that of a patient to one of a student.

What do we mean by that?

When we advise you to shift your mindset to view your doctor as a teacher, consider these tips:

Don't just ask your doctor what you should do. Ask why. Your doctor can help you understand your care. When you know the reasoning, it can help motivate you to make changes.

Don't worry about being thought of as a "difficult" patient. Asking questions is not being difficult—it's being an active participant in your healthcare journey.

Always ask to see if you have options. Which options seem best for you? What are their pros and cons? What effects might your choice have in the short term and over the long term? Being curious about what’s possible is a great way to arrive at a plan that fits into your lifestyle and aligns with your goals.

Benefit from your doctor's experience with other patients. Even though every patient's situation is different, your doctor has probably helped other patients work through the same questions and decisions that you have to deal with. Some doctors may be better teachers and coaches than others, but they really do want to help you get the answers you need.

For more on how to get the most out of your doctor’s appointments, watch this video.

Benefits of having a resident physician as part of your Parkview care team

The Parkview Residency Center offers the unique opportunity to have a resident physician as part of your care team. A resident physician is a doctor who recently graduated from medical school and is continuing their education and training under the guidance of a supervising physician. Patients with a resident physician as part of their care team have access to:

  • An individualized care plan with oversight by two highly qualified physicians
  • The latest health information, practices and treatments
  • Focused attention to help you achieve your health goals

For more information, visit










Copyrighted material adapted with permission from Healthwise, Incorporated. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.