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Guardian angels of hospice care

Last Modified: September 03, 2024

Diseases & Disorders, Family Medicine

(Pictured left to right: Angela Vaughn, Kate Partee, Leah Phillipson, Mark Udell, Angela Beer-Walker, Melissa Cundiff, Karen Kosberg and Jackie Richey)

The Parkview Health Foundation Guardian Angel award recognizes those who go above and beyond in providing exceptional care. Each honoree receives a custom-made lapel pin and certificate to symbolize their patient's appreciation. Recently, Glenna Udell's hospice care team was honored with this meaningful award thanks to the heartfelt nomination from her husband, Mark Udell.

Glenna was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2020. From the start of her journey, quality of life was a top priority. After careful consideration of the potential side effects that accompany cancer therapies, Glenna decided to abstain from treatment. Instead, the Udells focused on making the most of their time together. "During the first two years, her life was fairly normal. We traveled a bit and were able to get out and live life up until about March 2022," Mark said. As Glenna's symptoms began to worsen, her primary care physician recommended they explore hospice and palliative care

By August 2022, Parkview Hospice stepped in, offering not only medical care, but also emotional and spiritual support, which proved invaluable to both Glenna and Mark during that complex time. "Our primary case manager, Jackie Richey, RN, was tremendous," Mark said. "She was always very attentive to Glenna's needs, and mine as well. We developed a wonderful and deep relationship."  

While other nurses occasionally filled in for Jackie, she remained a constant presence, providing guidance and reassurance at every turn. In addition to Jackie, Glenna's hospice team included Angela Vaughn, home health aide; Kate Partee, RN; Leah Phillipson, massage therapist; Angela Beer-Walker, MSW; Melissa Cundiff, RN; and Karen Kosberg, hospice chaplain.

"They were all very attuned to what was going on with all the stresses in her life, with the kids and grandkids (and me)," Mark recalled fondly. "The blessings we experienced through their care were truly amazing." 

One blessing that stood out to Mark during Glenna's hospice care was their vow renewal ceremony in May 2023 to mark the couple's 21st wedding anniversary. The hospice care team prepared everything Glenna would need to ensure her comfort during this special occasion. "We spent about three hours at the church with a bunch of family," Mark said. "It was really a wonderful celebration of our marriage." 

(Pictured: Mark and Glenna Udell)

Mark says the cumulative effect of the compassion displayed by Glenna's hospice team made it easy to nominate them for the Guardian Angel award. "They provided us with peace of mind and a quiet assurance that what she was experiencing was somewhat expected, and that helped to calm her as well as me," he said. 

Reflecting on what it means to be a guardian angel, Mark said, "To care for people and their families in their darkest hours requires an extraordinary person, and they all were. You could tell their hearts were in the job." 

Closing thoughts 

For those supporting a loved one through a terminal diagnosis, Mark strongly recommends considering hospice care earlier rather than later. "Having people come into the home who know what's going on and can predict where the disease is going and how to manage comfort reduces so much stress for the family."  

For more information about hospice and palliative care services or a patient referral to Parkview Hospice, please call 260-368-5111 or 260-368-5146. You can also complete our online form here

To learn more about the Parkview Health Foundation's Guardian Angel Program and other ways you can give, visit