Parkview Health Logo
Parkview Physicians Group

Alexia Whitsel, PA

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Accepting Newborn Appointments
    Family Medicine
    Primary Care
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Education / Credentials

    Master of Physician Assistant Sciences, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.
    Bachelor of Science in Health Science, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.
    Bachelor of Science in Biology, Grace College and Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Ind.



PPG - Family Medicine

1355 Mariners Dr, Warsaw, IN 46582

Phone: (574) 267-6778

Collaborating Providers

Collaborating Providers

Some of our providers work as a part of a collaborative care team dedicated to providing quality primary care. This team approach means you will have a group of healthcare professionals working together to meet your goals. Other benefits of a care team include easier access and appointment availability, improved quality of care and outcomes, and active engagement and support in your healthcare.

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