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About Us

manikin up close

The Mirro Center Simulation Lab (Sim Lab) is a state-of-the-art facility featuring some of the most advanced medical simulation technology available today. Individual physicians, as well as teams of clinical professionals, can train in one of three labs equipped with high-fidelity medical manikins. The Sim Lab also features advanced virtual reality systems for training on endovascular, laparoscopic and pulmonary procedures.

A skilled technician will create clinical scenarios and adjust the mannequins’ symptoms and actions from a control room removed from the clinical space. Each clinical scenario is video recorded, allowing clinical teams to debrief after each training scenario.


The Sim Lab aims to transform knowledge gained through simulation practices to foster and maintain excellent healthcare in our region. Parkview strives to become an innovator in healthcare sciences as a result of our partnership with regional academic institutions whose residents and students will greatly benefit from the Sim Lab.


Our lab uses cutting-edge technology to further Parkview's commitment to the community through the following:

Patient Care

Providing continued education through trans-disciplinary competency, education of new procedures and technologies, and improved communication between disciplines to promote excellent patient outcomes.


The educational mission is to provide simulated environments to ensure knowledge of trans-disciplinary staff. Promote knowledge and utilization of the Parkview standard of care.


The Sim Lab contributes to the research team’s efforts to advance healthcare knowledge. The use of simulation technology furthers the researchers’ ability to explore the use of devices and technology in the patient care setting.

Meet the team

AEI logo

The Mirro Center Simulation Lab is an accredited comprehensive education institute, by the American College of Surgeons Division of Education.