Surgical Simulation

Our surgical simulation courses put learners in the driver’s seat as they experience accurate, hands-on training in the most realistic surgical environment

Physician washing hands

Sterile Technique: Scrubbing, Gowning and Gloving

This course combines didactic training with hands-on simulation covering key concepts of sterile technique, hand hygiene, gowning and gloving in the perioperative setting.


  • Sterile technique lecture
  • Lunch
  • Simulations
  • Sterile technique assessment
Physicians training

Surgical Safety and First Assisting

This course combines didactic training with hands-on simulation with a focus on crucial components of perioperative safety, including surgical consents, site marking, surgical time outs, fire safety, and sharps safety as well as the role and duties of a surgical first assistant.


  • Surgical safety & first assisting lecture
  • Lunch
  • Simulations
  • Basic instrumentation assessment
Surgical team simulation

Surgical Simulations

This course is entirely hands-on and puts safety concepts and surgical skills from previous courses into practice. The day combines complete simulations utilizing our high-fidelity medical manikins, task trainers, and an expanded focus on surgical closure.


  • Code in OR simulation
  • Fire in OR simulation
  • Surgical closure instruction and practice
  • Lunch
  • First assistant simulations
  • Laparoscopic trainer