Program Evaluation – Veggie Rx to HEAL + American Diabetes Association (ADA) Pathway for Produce Prescriptions in Diabetes Management


Prescription Produce Programs (PPRs) have been introduced as a practice to help at-risk populations consume more fresh produce. Parkview has made a commitment to addressing social determinants of health and, specifically, breaking down barriers to access to healthy food. The Veggie Rx program fortifies Parkview’s relationship with our providers, as the Veggie Rx program will allow them to dispense a tangible, healthy food incentive to their health-marginalized patients. The Veggie Rx program serves individuals with prediabetes, diabetes, individuals with cardiac diseases and underserved women with an at-risk pregnancy in Allen County, with the aim of increasing their fresh produce intake, improving their health, reducing healthcare costs claims with Medicaid and reducing household food insecurity.


  1. Improve the amount of fresh produce that is available to adults identified as being food insecure and adults who are on Medicaid or uninsured with prediabetes, diabetes, have cardiac diseases or individuals with an at-risk pregnancy, in Allen County
  2. Expand the Veggie Rx Program from 30 individuals in a 2019 pilot to serving 850 individuals in Allen County over the next three-year period
  3. Reduce urgent healthcare utilization and associated healthcare costs
  4. Reduce the prevalence of food insecurity and chronic health diseases in low-income individuals in Allen County

In the 2019 pilot, the Veggie Rx program served 30 individuals. In 2022 and 2023, 478 additional individuals participated in the program and in 2024 the project is continuing toward reaching the goal of serving 850 individuals in Allen County.

The Veggie Rx program is available to residents of Allen County, Indiana, to serve adults who have a diagnosis of pre-diabetes or diabetes, cardiac diseases and at-risk pregnant women. Participants are required to attend four education classes (3 in person, one virtual) over their six-month active program enrollment to receive their vouchers for fresh fruits and vegetables. Clients receive $50/month in produce vouchers for six months of their respective program phase.

Patients who participate in the ADA part of the study, must be diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Participants who qualify for Veggie Rx and the ADA study will be offered the prescription produce benefits, but may be required to wait until the following cohort starts. Participants in the ADA study will either be placed in the control or intervention group and will receive additional gift card incentives for completing additional study activities.



  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) GusNIP; NIFA Award 2021-70030-35744
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) GusNIP; NIFA Award 2022-70423-38070
  • American Diabetes Association + USDA GusNIP; Award 2889958

Publications and presentations

  • Poster Presentations – 2023 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), Denver, CO; October 9, 2023
    • Community Buy-In and Client Engagement in a Produce Prescription Program
    • Produce Prescriptions – Recipe for a Successful ‘Veggie Rx to HEAL’ grant application led by RDNs


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