2 Result(s) found

Current Studies

IlluminOss Device Global Registry a prospective, post-market, multi-center evaluation of the clinical outcomes of the IlluminOss Device.

The primary endpoint of this post market registry study is to provide real-world evidence on the Composite Safety Success rate to enable meaningful comparison to other similar procedures. The Composite Safety Success rate is defined as the absence of Reoperation, Revision, Failure of Fixation,...

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Current Studies

A Multi-Center, Prospective, Historically Controlled Pivotal Trial Comparing the Safety And Effectiveness Of The Synergy Disc To Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion In Patients With Two-Level Symptomatic Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)

Demonstrate the Synergy Disc is at least as safe and effective as conventional anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) to treat cervical degenerative disc disease (DDD) in subjects who are symptomatic at two levels from C3 to C7 that are unresponsive to conservative management.

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