Parkview Workplace Wellness
Win with wellness
Parkview Workplace Wellness partners with employers to maximize productivity and performance, while helping to lower healthcare costs. We customize high-impact programs to meet your workforce’s specific needs. Our experienced coaches will assist in:
- Seminars on health and wellness information.
- On-site clinical screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol and other health risk indicators.
- Detailed health assessments in which employees report habits related to smoking, nutrition and exercise.
- One-on-one consultations with certified health and wellness coaches who assist in lifestyle changes.
- On-site coaching to counsel employees at risk for chronic conditions.
- Muscle function assessments and plans — muscular mobility and strength are necessary to perform workplace physical demands.
“No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”
– Edmund Burke
Practicing prevention promotes productivity
Prevention can mean different things. For employers, prevention can equal significant savings. It’s estimated that 20% of a company’s employees account for 80% of its overall healthcare costs. Reducing the prevalence of conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol in your workforce can have a significant impact on your bottom line.
Prevention also means keeping your healthy employees healthy. Preventing future health problems — and healthcare costs — benefits your company and your employees.
Practice prevention. Promote wellness. Increase productivity.
Everyone wins with wellness
Improving and maintaining the health of your employees doesn’t have to cost much. In fact, many companies end up saving more on their healthcare costs because of a small investment made in a quality wellness program.
Employees tend to perform better on the job when they are physically and mentally healthy. Healthy employees are productive employees. By showing that you value them and their health, your employees are more likely to return that loyalty by remaining with and valuing, your company.
Learn more about our wellness services
Call 260-373-9017 or email us at [email protected] to develop a wellness program that benefits your company, your employees and your community.