Woodlan's Salzbrenner & Gentz sign on to college athletic plans

December 10, 2021


Woodlan High School senior student-athletes Reagan Salzbrenner and Rebekah Gentz made their college athletic plans official on Thursday during a signing ceremony at the school.

Reagan Salzbrenner signed to play volleyball at Taylor University, an NAIA program in Upland, Indiana. Reagan was named 1st team All-Allen County Athletic Conference as senior. She tallied 199 kills, 41 service aces, 43 blocks and 108 digs for Woodlan this past season. Reagan plans to study marketing.


Rebekah Gentz will play college soccer at Huntington University’s NAIA women’s team. Rebekah was a first team All-ACAC selection as a defender. She plans to study Christian ministry.

Woodlan is one of 26 high schools that partner with Parkview Sports Medicine for athletic training, sports performance, nutrition, athletic rehab and other sports medicine services for Warrior student-athletes. Learn more at www.parkviewsportsmedicine.com.

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