Digital Social Re-entry


person using phone

Re-entering the “real world” after Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment is recognized as a dangerous time as many people tend to relapse. An important element of this re-entry is digital re-entry or when an individual chooses to re-enter or re-activate their digital connections. These spaces can have important consequences for people in SUD treatment and can provide both threats and opportunities to an individual’s recovery.

To uncover these threats and opportunities, we worked in collaboration with Parkview Behavioral Health and Dr. Andrew Miller and Dr. Lynn Drombrowski at the School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI to interview clinical and non-clinical providers as well as patients/clients to understand the impact of social technologies on the recovery journey. The outcomes of this research can be directly connected back to the SUD-focused programming here at Parkview and beyond.



  • Internal

Publications and presentations

  • Phelan, C., Heyer, J., Pfafman, R., Kerrigan, C., Tzilos Wernette, G. K., Dombrowski, L., Miller, D., & Pater, J. (2022). The Work of Digital Social Re-entry in Substance Use Disorder Recovery. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1-33.


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