Clinical Trials

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2 results found

Current Studies

EF-36/Keynote B36: A pilot, randomized, open-label study of Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields, 150 kHz) concomitant with pembrolizumab for first line treatment of advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer

Primary Outcome Measures : Objective Response Rate (ORR) [ Time Frame: 24 months ] ORR will be measured from the date of enrollment to date of progression (in months) based on RECIST 1.1 criteria. The analysis will include patients with PD-L1 expression TPS≥1-49 percent and TPS≥50...

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Current Studies

CliNIcal Utility of ManaGement of Patients witH CT and LDCT Identified Pulmonary Nodules UsinG the Percepta NasAL Swab ClassifiEr (NIGHTINGALE) Familiarization and Qualification Protocol

The primary objective is to evaluate whether invasive procedures in the group classified as low-risk by the Percepta Nasal Swab test and that are benign are reduced in the test group who received a Percepta Nasal Swab result as compared to the control group who were managed without a Percepta Nasal...

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