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Step up and add more activity to your day

Last Modified: January 13, 2017

Sports & Exercise


Maybe you found a new fitness tracker under the tree. Or maybe you’re determined to conquer the sitting disease in 2017. Whatever the motivation, Amanda Shively, OP Physical Therapy Assistant, Parkview TherapyONE, has some simple solutions for adding more activity to your busy day.

Movement is key to a healthy lifestyle, reducing risk of certain diseases as well as decreasing joint and muscle pain, while improving your ability to perform daily activities.  Committing to making changes to improve your overall well-being doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Subtle changes in your daily routine can be a great place to start.

10 Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Daily Routine and Increase Step Count

1. Use a pedometer. Keep it simple. Challenge yourself to increase your count by 50 steps per day.


2. March in place instead of standing still during activities such as cooking, talking on the phone or brushing your teeth.


3. Increase your water intake. In addition to other health benefits, increasing your water intake will increase your steps with more trips to the restroom. Consider using the restroom furthest away.


4. Make several trips for everyday tasks. Instead of putting all of your laundry into one basket, put away several small piles.


5. Take the parking space furthest from the door.


6. Set the alarm on your phone every hour and use it as a reminder to get up and move.


7. Take a walk during your lunch break or during your child’s practice. Even a five-minute walk will add to your step count.


8. Take the stairs instead of an elevator.


9. At work, walk to a co-worker’s office instead of calling or sending an email.


10. Make it fun! Find a walking partner or put your tech to work for you through Fitbit® challenges, a website such as or various apps that encourage fun.


Need help getting started? Parkview TherapyONE can help you begin a personalized exercise plan to fit your individual needs and lifestyle. Parkview TherapyONE specializes in land based physical therapy with a focus on therapeutic exercise and hands on manual therapies. Call 260.266.7410 to learn more.


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